Do you know your DIY home security pros & cons? Is DIY home security really a wise choice? Or is home security something best left to the professionals in the field?

Many homeowners across the country ask themselves these questions – and they are worth asking. Some home-owners have more than a home to actually worry about – some have families that they want to keep safe, as well.

Believe it or not, there are lots of things you can do in and around the home to make it a little safer. And, as with most things, there are benefits and risks – pros and cons – as well.

DIY home security pros & cons


To make your home safer, you could do one of the following:

  • Train a Guard Dog
  • Build a Panic Room
  • Invest in a Gun

These are all things you could do yourself to increase home security but they each have their own positives and negatives.

Train a Guard Dog for home security

In a recent study it was determined that people in homes where dogs are present suffer less anxiety than those without. Is it any wonder when you stop to think about all the positives that dogs can bring to a household? They are loyal, playful and kids absolutely love them. Dogs also possess tremendous hearing and smell – allowing them to detect a stranger’s approach long before you do.

However, training a guard dog is something entirely different and you want to make sure you consult with a professional before attempting to do so. A guard dog that has not been properly trained could be quite dangerous to your household – especially if they are not quite clear on who to consider a friend and who should be treated like an intruder.

Build a Panic Room for home security 

A panic room can provide a safe and secure retreat in the event of a home invasion. Ideal panic rooms have communication lines to the outside world and are secure, isolated areas in a home with only one way inside. Some people fortify the walls of the panic rooms with sandbags and bulletproof material. It would take an entire post to talk about how to properly build one, so consult with a professional.

The downside, however, to a panic room is that you are, for all intents and purposes, a sitting duck. Sure, the room may be secure and you might have taken every necessary precaution, but you are effectively waiting it out. Who knows what could happen during that time? Luckily, in the face of stiff opposition, even the most opportunistic thief will walk away.

Invest in a Gun

Bringing a gun into the home and training yourself on the proper use, etiquette and storage can be a very effective means of home security. However, there are quite a few cons to this method of home security as I’m sure you’re aware.

Guns, while perhaps being inherently inert, are deadly the moment they are handled. While they might give you the power and peace of mind to take a proactive approach in a home invasion scenario, a gun could also serve to escalate a situation.  You should certainly think twice if there are children present.

If All Else Fails, Consult the Professionals for home security

There are plenty more tips and tricks you can do around the home to make it safer. However, if you’re pressed for ideas and you’re really concerned for your family’s safety, there’s no shame in consulting the professionals.

The market for home security has only gotten better over the years. Not only has the technology improved but the overall efficiency with which home security providers protect and monitor your home. Providers like for example, offer something called 24/7 monitoring. This allows them to monitor your alarm system at all hours of the day and night and, if for whatever reason the alarm is triggered, you can bet that the authorities won’t be out of the loop for long.

There are lots of different providers that come with prices comparable to magazine subscriptions so it’s not prohibitively expensive if you find that a system is the way to go. Just remember that you can also fortify one of these systems with the DIY tips mentioned above to give you and your family even greater peace of mind. Can you think of any more DIY home security pros & cons? Please share them in the comment boxes below.